Premier and Minister Marais encouraged by consecutive decrease in murder rate
Premier Alan Winde and Western Cape Minister of Police Oversight and Community Safety, Anroux Marais, have welcomed the decrease in the province`s murder rate in the third quarter of 2024, compared with the same period last year.
Minister Marais said, “The 7,9% decrease in the overall murder rate in the Western Cape for quarter three of 2024/2025 follows a 7,1% decrease in quarter two of 2024/25. This latest reduction represents a decrease of 103 murders. What is more encouraging is that there was a 15,5% decrease in murders in our combined Law Enforcement Advancement Plan (LEAP) deployment areas, from 459 cases in 2023/2024 to 388 in 2024/2025 with Nyanga recording a decline of 26%. The Western Cape, excluding LEAP deployment areas, recorded a decrease of -3,8% indicating that LEAP plays an integral part in our continued efforts to reduce the murder rate in our province.”
“I am so pleased with the announcement by Police Minister Senzo Mchunu that funding will be allocated to bolster the investigative capacity in the SAPS. But while we are making progress in our crime-fighting approach, we also need more successful prosecutions in our courts,” Minister Marais stated.
Premier Winde added, “We are employing data and evidence to continuously adapt our approach to addressing this scourge while also building strong partnerships, and this is showing encouraging signs. But too many of our residents are still falling victim to criminals. We will not rest until we have broken the back of all criminal syndicates, including gangs, in our province. I commend all law enforcement agencies and community-based organisations who work tirelessly to make our communities safer. It is because of you, combined with our efforts, that we are making encouraging inroads in combatting crime.”
The Premier concluded, “Ultimately it is only by driving our province`s economic growth to create more jobs that we will be able to eradicate crime in the Western Cape.”
Media Enquiries:
Kurt Nefdt, Acting MLO to Minister Anroux Marais
Cell: 084 285 1975
Regan Thaw
Media Liaison Officer to the Premier
Tel: 021 483 5004
Cell: 083 627 7246
Address: Private Bag X9043, Cape Town, 8001