Western Cape Provincial Government Gazette

The Western Cape Government publishes the Western Cape Provincial Government Gazette.
Please contact tel: +27 12 748 6200/05 or email info@egazette@gpw.gov.za for all National Government Gazette enquiries and placements, or visit http://www.gpwonline.co.za/GPWContact.htm
Publication day
The gazette is published weekly on a Friday (if a public holiday should fall on a Friday, the gazette will be published on a Thursday)
The last gazette for 2024 will be published on 13 December 2024 and the first gazette for 2025 on 10 January 2025.
*Please contact our office timeously for any other arrangements.
Advertising process
- Complete and submit your booking form (with content in MSWord) by 10:00 on a Wednesday.
- A quotation and typeset content will be sent within 24 hours.
- Changes and/approval must be sent back to the Gazette Office within 18 hour or before 12:00 on a Thursday (whichever comes first).
- Payment must be made or order nr is issued by 12:00 on a Thursday.
- The gazette is published on the Western Cape Government website by 16:00 on a Friday.
- Booking form: Gazette Advertising Form 2024-2025
Important notes
- All booking forms (advertisements/notices) must be received by 10:00 on a Wednesday. Final content in (MSWord) to accompany the booking form.
- No advertisement will be placed without the completed booking form.
- Government institutions must first provide an order number before advertisements are published. All invoices must be settled within 30 days of receipt of invoice.
- Non-government institutions must first provide proof of payment before advertisements are published.
- Banking details: Department of the Premier, Nedbank, Account number: 1452045038, Branch number: 145209
- All subscriptions are valid for 1 year - starting 1 May to 31 April.
- Subscription fees valid until 30 April 2025 for the current year is R434,00. The fee is payable in advance
- Subscribers must complete a subscription form and submit the completed form with proof of payment to the Gazette Officer.
- Subscribers will receive an electronic copy as well as a hard copy of all gazettes published by the WCG from the date of subscription.
- Subscription form: Western Cape Gov Gazette subscription form
- Subscription: R434,00 per annum. Subscription and fee is valid until 30 April 2025.
- Advertising rates: Tariffs are calculated per cm (double column) at R62,00 per cm. Valid until 31 March 2025.
Any queries? Please contact our Gazette Officer: Linda Nkani - 021 483 4462 | 072 1121 6211 | linda.nkani@westerncape.za