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Department of Education

Don’t wait! Grade R, 1 and 8 admissions open tomorrow

10 March 2025

Statement by Minister David Maynier, Minister of Education Western Cape



Don’t wait!

The on-time admissions applications window for learners attending Grade R, 1 and 8 in the Western Cape in 2026 opens on Tuesday, 11 March 2025, and closes on Tuesday, 15 April 2025.

We encourage all parents of learners who will be entering Grade R, 1 or 8 next year to apply for a place for their child on time. Parents will be required to submit the following certified supporting documents:

  1. Identification:
  • Identity document (ID) or birth certificate of the learner and parent/caregiver;
  • If a foreign learners: a passport or a copy of parent’s refugee or asylum seeker permit on which the learner’s name should appear;
  • If the learner has foreign parents but was born in South Africa: a handwritten birth certificate (DHA 19 form); and parent/caregiver identification or
  • If the learner was not born in South Africa: a passport or a refugee or asylum seeker permit issued in the learner’s name and parent/caregiver identification.
  1. Immunisation card or Road to Health chart – applicable to pre-primary and primary schools only.
  2. Latest official school report or academic report.
  3. Proof of residence e.g. rates account/lease agreement/an affidavit made at a police station confirming residence.

If any of these documents are unavailable, parents can submit a police affidavit indicating this in place of the missing document.

Applications are to be submitted online, and documents will need to be scanned and uploaded to the online admissions system, which is zero-rated for data.

The admissions system, as well as background information and step-by-step guides on how to apply, are available here:

Parents will not have to drop off certified hard copies of the documents when they apply. They will only submit certified hard copies to the school once they have been offered, and have accepted, a place in a school.

We are making in-person assistance available for parents who are not able to access the online system, through 125 pop-up events at shopping malls and schools. Parents can also receive assistance in person at their education district office or at the specific school to which they wish to apply.

We encourage parents to bring all the necessary supporting documentation with them when seeking assistance in person.

Applying on time will help the Western Cape Government to plan better for a place for your child next year.

Don’t wait! Apply for a place in a school for your child during the on-time admissions window.

Media Enquiries:

Kerry Mauchline
Spokesperson to Minister David Maynier
Western Cape Ministry of Education