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Department of Infrastructure

Become a mechatronics engineer

Bursary Career


In a time of robotic pets, virtual reality treadmills and ground-breaking medical assistive technology, a career in mechatronics has become an attractive choice. Specialised mechatronic systems require trained specialists to design and maintain them. This exciting new career path is perfect for young people who are interested in finding innovative ways to fix things and new ways to improve systems.

A career in mechatronics

Mechatronics, also known as mechatronic engineering, involves integrating three types of systems to undertake specific sets of tasks:

  • Electronic
  • Computer
  • Mechanical

When combined, these specialised systems need someone with specialised skills to control it. This includes the aviation, software and electronics design engineering industries.

Other careers involving mechatronics include:

  • Automation engineering
  • Mechanical design engineering
  • Data science
  • Instrumentation engineering
  • Software engineering

Read more about the Masakh’iSizwe Bursary Programme

High school subjects for mechatronics

It’s important to choose subjects at high school that will enable you to apply to study for your dream career. Good marks in mathematics and physical science are required for mechatronics.

Entrance requirements to study mechanical and mechatronic engineering at UCT are a matric mark of >80% for mathematics, and >75% for physical science. To apply for electrical engineering, electrical and computer engineering, and mechatronics, you need a matric mark of >80% for mathematics and >70% for physical science.

Find out more about entrance requirements: