Mr Alan Winde
Premier Alan Winde
About Alan Winde
Born on 18 March 1965, Premier Alan Winde, colourfully describes himself as “innovative, disruptive and caring.” He grew up on an organic peach farm on the outskirts of Johannesburg. He says, this was one of the most amazing places to learn from, where he was free to grow and make mistakes while taking risks. He later finished his schooling in Knysna and proceeded to enroll in the Navy.
Alan is married with 2 children. “In politics, being the Premier you rarely have a normal weekend. Family gatherings and family time have to be specifically planned. My family has to be shared with the citizens of the Western Cape, he says.
Before he began his career in politics, he started and successfully operated 10 businesses in Knysna. In 1996, he ran as an independent candidate and was elected to the South Cape District Council. He eventually realised it was difficult to make a difference as an independent councillor so he joined the then Democratic Party in 1999 and was elected to the Provincial Parliament.
“The most emotional, impactful, hard-hitting moment in my life was when an IEC official informed me that I could be the next Premier of the Western Cape. At that time the national anthem started playing. It hit me like a ton of bricks. It then occurred to me, this is now your job.”
Between 1999 and 2014, he served in various political roles until he was sworn in as Premier of the Western Cape on 22 May 2019. Alan describes his leadership style as participatory, disruptive, innovative and team-orientated, he feels in this position, he’s able to use his entrepreneurial skills to bring issues to a higher purpose through politics. “I believe in using politics to make a difference in small ways. I would like to leave behind a legacy,” he explained.