The Diploma in Agriculture programme is a three-year course specialising in one of four study fields: Plant Production, Animal Production, Plant and Animal Production o
The main study fields in the B.Agric degree are: Plant Production, Animal Production, Plant and Animal Production, Cellar Technology, Cellar Management, Extension and P
Trends and data are not enough to ensure sound decisions, but it is needed to distil the truly crucial variables and to evaluate the impact of these on the agricultural
In order to monitor trends and to make good decisions at all levels of responsibility (both within and without of the Department) good and reliable “data” or statistics
With the change of the nature of competitiveness from land labour and capital to information and knowledge, the root of global agricultural competitiveness is embodied
Access to markets and information, fair participation, retaining and repositioning into sustainable markets are some of the critical concerns that this division aims to
The main function of the sub-programme: Land Use Management is to protect the agricultural land of the Western Cape with the aim of maintaining a sustainable agricultur