Department of Agriculture: About Us

We, the Western Cape Department of Agriculture, are primarily responsible for the promotion of agriculture in all its rich diversity in the Western Cape. We provide a wide range of development, research and support services to the agricultural community in the Western Cape.
We also render services to new and commercial farmers and Agri workers from our regional research farms, Further Education and Training Centres, extension offices and state veterinary offices.
About 45% of South Africa’s agricultural exports move through the Western Cape and the value-added in the sector amounts to just less than R21 billion per annum.
The agricultural sector not only stimulates economic growth in the province but also plays a key role in creating sustainable job opportunities. The department is very committed to delivering on Project Khulisa as part of the Western Cape Government’s Strategic Goal 1.
Our service area covers approximately 13 million hectares, of which 2 million hectares are under cultivation and 320 000 hectares are under irrigation.
The Western Cape Department of Agriculture has an influence - direct or indirect - on the production of wine, deciduous fruit, citrus, grain, fynbos, vegetables, ostriches, small and large stock and dairy products. We have also committed to supporting alternative products and crops within the agricultural sector in terms of finance and service.
The Western Cape has a Mediterranean climate with an average rainfall which ranges from well over 1 000mm per annum in some mountainous areas in the south and eastern regions to less than 150mm over parts of the Karoo and the north-west regions. This variation in rainfall and soil types contributes to the wide variety of crops grown in the province.
The department’s administrative headquarters are on the historic farm, Elsenburg, in the picturesque Boland region.
A united, responsive, and prosperous agricultural sector in balance with nature.
Unlocking the full potential of agriculture to enhance the economic, ecological, and social wealth of all the people of the Western Cape through:
- encouraging sound stakeholder engagements;
- promoting the production of affordable, nutritious, safe, and accessible food, fibre and agricultural products;
- ensuring sustainable management of natural resources;
- executing cutting-edge and relevant research and technology development;
- developing, retaining, and attracting skills and human capital;
- providing a competent and professional extension support service;
- enhancing market access for the entire agricultural sector;
- contributing towards the alleviation of poverty and hunger, and
- ensuring transparent and effective governance.

Organisational structure