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Department of Agriculture


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Cape breeders awards

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for the opportunity to attend this function tonight. Today's newspapers carried an article on recent...

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Agricultural extension and advisory symposium

Colleagues, commercial farmers, new farmers, members of the press: thank you for the opportunity to address you today. Ladies and gentlemen...

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Minister van Rensburg's address on Rural Development and Agriculture

Chairperson, Minister Nkwinti, Minister Joemat-Pettersson, members of the NCOP: Many people in South Africa think our country's history...

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Protea produsente van Suid Afrika: Transformasie seminaar

Dames en here, baie dankie vir die geleentheid om vanoggend met u te kan gesels. Proteas is een van daardie spesiale produkte wat Suid...

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Minister van Rensburg's address to the water conservation associations

Ladies and gentlemen, water is the life source of our agricultural sector. This invaluable source is under severe pressure. Agriculture is...

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Department of Agriculture Budget Speech 2012

Speaker, Premier, Members of the Consular Core, Ministers, Members of the House, Industry representatives, Prestige Farm Worker Forum...

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Tri-lingual dictionary launch

Ladies and gentlemen, Colleagues, Members of the press, Welcome to a breakfast on Elsenburg on Valentine's Day. Normally we would be...

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2011 Female Entrepreneur of the Year award ceremony

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Western Cape's Female Entrepreneur of the Year Award Ceremony. And yes, this is the 2011 competition...

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Elsenburg College opening ceremony

Ladies and gentlemen, Colleagues and students, Welcome to the beginning of another academic year. For some of you it is the first year of a...

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Landbouweekblad ekspo Worcester toespraak

Landbou en die jaar wat vir ons voorlê Vriende dankie vir die geleentheid om vanoggend met u te kan praat. Dankie aan Landbouweekblad vir...

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