The Western Cape Government provides services which cover the different sectors of our communities
Adopting a child
The decision to adopt is life changing for both the respective parents and the child. Whether you're battling with infertility or simply...
Child Care and Protection Services
Our Child Care and Protection Programme aims to safeguard and promote child well-being and build the resilience of families and communities...
Crime prevention programmes for youth at risk
The Department of Social Development Crime Prevention and Support Programme aims to provide a range of specialised probation services to...
Diversion programmes for adults in conflict with the law
The Department of Social Development, in collaboration with service delivery partners also renders diversion programmes to adult offenders...
Diversion programmes for children in conflict with the law
What is diversion? Diversion refers to diverting an accused child away from formal court procedures and towards a more constructive and...
POPIA DSD Privacy Notice English Afrikaans IsiXhosa POPIA Compliance Report English Afrikaans IsiXhosa PAIA Manual English Afrikaans...
Fostering a child
Children are placed in foster care for different reasons, which include abuse, deliberate neglect and exploitation. Foster care is a form of...
Funding for After School Care Services
The DSD may fund the provision of After School Care Services. Registered After School Care facilities (ASC) not run by formal schools that...
Giving a child up for adoption
Giving a child up for adoption isn’t always easy, the decision requires a lot of thought to ensure that it will be in the best interest of...
Help when a child has been arrested
What is the Child Justice Act (CJA)? Since 1 April 2010, children who committed crime are dealt with in terms of the Child Justice Act (CJA)...
Independent and assisted living accommodation
Independent living Independent living is the provisioning of affordable, safe and accessible accommodation to active older persons who are...
Institutional Capacity Building and Support
Our work in the Department of Social Development relies on a network of social development partners who work together to deliver a range of...
Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) information
What you need to know before establishing an NPO Running an organisation requires various skills such as project management, financial...
Older persons community-based services
Community-based care promotes good health and prevents sickness while providing the elderly with rehabilitative care. The purpose of...
Older persons programme
The Department of Social Development supports and enables services for older persons which are provided by non-governmental organisations to...